Sunday, 6 January 2019

SLJ, DAY 5, WEEK 1, Blink And You'll Miss It

DAY 5:

Activity 1:

Towering Timbers:

I think that there can still be loggers but to keep them confined in a small area in the forest, making sure to check that there are no animals in or around the tree. My Mother came from the Houston timber mills down in Hari Hari, and My Fathers family also came from a mill. As long as there are still more native forest then there is logged forest.

Activity 2:

Living On The Edge:

Letter To My Family From Tundra:

Dear Mum and Dad,
Here in Tundra it is so cold I am wear about 3 layers or cloths every day sometimes more!!! Going outside we have meet many Arctic Hares, Snowy Owls, and Arctic Foxes, We have even seen some Reindeer!!! The area we are in is so pretty and we are learning heaps from the old traditions and the effect climate change has in the place. It feels pretty weird not having trees surrounding us like back home!! My Favorite animal is differently the Arctic Foxes, they are so cute, and the way they jump around looking for mice to eat is so cute. You should really come to see this place one day.
See you Soon!!!

Activity 3:

Going, Going... Gone:

Living in New Zealand is amazing, being surrounded by seas, trees, and great views. Coming to live here so long, I forget how beautiful my surroundings are. The fresh air through New Zealand is great. I live where to the front you see the sea - where he sun sets - and to the back is the mountains - where the sun rises - and in the middle of fields of grass. The birds and frogs, crickets and cows, dogs and cats, goats and chickens, all ways filling your ears with sounds. Where you hear horns and cars thought out the day, I hear native animals, but all so in the city parts we all so hear, the cars and horns. New Zealand is an amazing country made up of amazing sounds, sights, and air. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else!!!

SLJ, DAY 4, WEEK 1, More That Meets The Eye

DAY 4:

Activity 1:

Scaling New Heights:

5 Questions I Would Ask Sir Edmund Hillary If I Ever Had The Chance To Meet Him:

   1. When did you decide that your love for climbing?
   2.What was going though your head when you where so close to the top of Mt Everest?
   3. What are three of the most important things you learn't over your life time that you think youth today would like to hear?
   4. What where your top 3 favourite achievements of yours?
   5. How can the youth of today, follow in your foot steps as an adventurer, achiever, and giver?

Activity 2:

Pancakes and Maple Syrup?

My favorite food is a home made pizza made with potato and garlic sauce.
To make it you need:
1 tortilla
2 tsp of crushed garlic
50g of softened butter
cooked potatoes
A sprinkle of Rosemary
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese

To make the paste in a pot at low heat, put the butter in until melted, then mix in the crushed garlic. When mixed and heated, pour onto tortilla and spread around. Sprinkle both cheeses onto the tortilla. Cut up the potatoes into small slices, and place on the tortilla. Sprinkle the rosemary on and cook until cheese melted. Eat Up!!!

Activity 3:

Salt and Pepper:

Where I would build a hotel is somewhere in the Marlborough sounds filled with many bird calls and frogs chirping. with water lapping on the beach. Clear blue skys, and clear blue water. The hotel would be one the water just like how my Dad tried to do. 

SLJ, DAY 3, WEEK 1, Awesome Animals

DAY 3:

Activity 1:

Fantastic Beasts:

My Monster:
Tower over you at 10 foot 5, the monster closes it's distance with you. It could have looked like a normal 15 year old boy, but he has an unrecognisable burn mark, looking like a spreading burn blister,  but glowing green, he was tall and skinny, his fingers where the size of pencils with long pointy nails. Long jet black hair falling down his face failing to cover up the terrible scar. It was one of those faces that you just can't forget, it is stuck in your mind forever. The smell of cooking flesh has filled the air crawling up your nose and into your stomach. The sound of heaving breathing and loud, fast heart beating waver in your ear as you realise that, that nose is coming from you. A long tentical unwraps from the boys waist, you never noticed that he has a tentical as an arm, hearing the loud snap of the tentical gives you the chills. 

Activity 2:

The Secretive Skink

PROS                                                                              CONS
You would get to live with you best friend!               You would have barely any family near your home
You could always be around wildlife & nature          It wouldn't be very quite with all the animals
There won't be many cars!!                                        You would be living at work!!

Activity 3:

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

One of the many animals that the WWF help are freshwater seals.
To help these freshwater seals the WWF build snow banks for the seals so the they can dig holes in them so their pups can be born with some shelter. If they do not do this up to half of the pups can die.
The success the WWF have had are to help the pups to survive so that the species do not die off over time.