Tuesday 11 June 2019

Work Book - Interpreting Timetables #2

For the past few weeks we have been working on interpreting timetables. Here is my work sheet for the week.


  1. Wahoo Iris Reynolds -this is an excellent skill to learn before we go to Auckland!! Well done, you are now the director of timetables x

    1. Hi Mum,
      Yay, I can't wait to be the director of timetables! *note the sarcasm. But I really can't wait to go to Auckland!! *note there is no sarcasm.

      Thanks for you comment!

  2. Uh oh Iris... It looks like you have a new job within the family! (I bet it's so they can blame you when they get lost!!) I hope you are looking forward to Auckland (take my advice - DO NOT let Ellie lead you in any direction... she is hopeless!!) It will be great for you to use this maths skill in real life!
    Keep up the fantastic blogging!
    Miss H :-)

    1. Kia Ora Miss Hines!
      I didn't ask for this job!! They will blame me for this job! (and then Dad will blame you because I didn't do it right, then I'll tell him to do it, then he'll get it wrong! Then I'll blame his teacher!) I am looking forward to Auckland, I really with you and Wendy where coming! Ok, I won't let Ellie tell us were to go!

      Thanks for your comment!


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