Sunday, 28 January 2018

Summer Blogging Challenge Week 1 Day 3 Activity 1+2+bonus

Activity 1: The more, the merrier?

I would not enjoy being in a large family I would be cramped, I would not have any personal space. Who knows I may even be forgotten. There would probably be people stressed and sad, tearful and anger. t would all be to much.

Activity 2: Acknowledging Ancestry?

Ko Papair Ragne te maunga   

Ko Punakiaki te awa         

Ko The Fivesh te waka

Ko Barrytown ahau

Ko Richard rāua ko Christina ōku mātua
Ko Iris tōku ingoa.

Bonus Activity: Fun Family Facts.

Dad (Richard)

My favourite things to do in the summer are having a nice swim in a warm river, and having exiting adventures and exploring alone able to listen to the world around him.

Brother (Tavis) 

My favourite things to do in the summer are swimming in a warm river at low tide I find it so fun. I also like making huts with my two friends. We have made so pretty awesome ones.

Mum (Christina) 

My favourite thing to do in the summer is to do water the gardens in the evening when the sun is just about to go the weather is nice and warm. It is all silent apart from the bird call and the water drops falling onto the plantes.

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