Sunday, 31 December 2017

Summer Blogging Challenge Week 1 Day 1 Activity 1,2+ Bonus

Activity 1: The first settlers.

      1. Māui was a skinny person. Not one of the big Māori men like chiefs and warriors who are big, bold and muscely. Maui had a strong heart and was very courageous. His brothers were very greedy and only thought about themselves, however Māui thought about all the other people in the village.

     2. Legend says that New Zealand is made up of the fish that Māui caught and the canoe. The South Island is the big canoe that Māui and his brothers sailed on to go fishing, and the North Island is the fish Māui caught that his brothers greedily started to eat. This is how the legend explains New Zealands' shape and land formation.

    3. Once Māui caught the fish he went to get help, his brothers started to carve up and fight over the fish causing chaos. They did this all with greed and hunger without praying to the gods. Because they did not pay respect the fish became rough with hills, mountains and valleys all over it. This is why our country has a lot of mountains and valleys.

Find the story at   

Activity 2: Setting sail.

Dear Mum,
The waters may be interesting but are also evil. We are only a week into the trip and we have had 5 people drown over board. I have been sick once or twice but not as much as some others. Since I am one of the only women, we are expected to sit at the back of the boat and be sick. But most of us have been sick less than some of the men. I have this strange feeling, really what I mean I have a lot of feelings that are all mixed together. I feel  excited + confused + sad + tired = apprehensive. I feel sorry for the family's that have lost one of them. How is our family? How's life without the most amazing daughter in the world!! I promise to be the best daughter and make you very proud
Iris x

Bonus Activity: Waka Ama.

Waka ama needs coordination, team work, endurance and explosive physical power. On my eleventh birthday I went double kayaking and I spent a lot of time going in circles and going nowhere. I think for me to do waka ama, I would need to practice for 24 hours, 365 days and 52 weeks with lots of patience and strength.
I am a Dancer, and I love doing that. Waka Ama is not for me.

find the video at

Find the website at

Friday, 20 October 2017

Term 4 week 1 reflections

I am so sore from athletics yesterday. I qualified for high-jump, shot put and maybe long jump.

Today is grandparents day. I love all my grandparents even the ones I haven't meet and never will get the chance. I was as an ambassador a meet and greet person and there where a lot of grand parents. It would be be amazing if Grammy Pammy, Nana, Funny Grandy, Uncle Keth, Uncle Alister, and even Grandad Neil could come to school. And today I really hope that Funny Grandy (my great grandad Robin) had a amazing day and was not complaining that there was to many lady's in his rest home!

We have started a new book for chapter chat (Which I have already read) called Wonder and that is an AMAZING book. we had to do two tasks I did two art tasks on was a make a picture that is related to the book cover.  There was a lot of work involved that you don't want to hear!  I put a quote at the top that says you can't blend in when your born to stand out. I hope you like!

My other task was to draw a picture of August's (the main charter) new teacher they say she looks like Mon Mothma I tried my best!

Our literacy was all grandparents day and I would like to show you my writing about when I am a grandparent. 

I hope you have a Amazing long holiday and also a -happy -happy -happy labour day!

Friday, 22 September 2017

Week 9 term 3 weekly reflections

PrEP is about over we have big market today at 1:15 to 2:30 I missed out on mini market because I went to to the kids ICT conference I did movie making in VR it was very cool but very hard I recommend going next year if you do see you there!!!!!!! this years PrEP has been fun. We made octopus's that look like this.
Image result for toilet roll octopus 
And a few different rocks.

for writing Mrs Clark put up a story starter and it was about an eye and it started like this
I hope you like...

Todays word of the week is encyclopaedia I have done a hand print as a pitcher and I have done lots of words 

Enjoy your week and have a good holiday!! 

Friday, 1 September 2017

Week 6 term 3 reflections

Hi, before I say anything I would like to say... WHERE HAS THIS YEAR GONE!!!!!!!!! I mean its gone so fast. for word work we did a fun task when you have a huge word in this case the word was miscellaneous and make lots of words out of it and present it in the most creative way possible I think I definitely achieved that I mean look at this.

I am in the highest reading group and we are called the john brittens and we had a book about john britten and a video it shows a lot about him if you want to watch it heres the link britten V1000 Racing motor cycle we had to do a answer, what it looks, smells, tastes, sounds, and feels like it was all about our video.


I am on team time after lunch so I cant wait for that talk next week bye

Friday, 4 August 2017

T3 Week 2 Reflections

Hi everyone and welcome to team 3 This year is going fast at home on the farm we are in calving and we already have 12 calves probably more right know as I am typing this. As stuff is getting crazy at home stuff will soon be getting crazy at school because it's term 3 and we all know what that means PREP Ya if you don't know what prep means it is a activity when lots of schools have to make things in groups and sell them. It helps us prepare for good jobs when were older. We had to make a personal profile here is my one.

For Chapter Chat for hands on we had to run 100 meter and try run it in 9.58 seconds like how is that possible but I ran it in 20 seconds it looks really far when you look at it but as soon as you start running it feel really short but it is not.
Here is my maths for this week it was like What how do you do this but i got the hang of it.

At school I know am a amazing awesome ambassador we all had to nominate someone for take the cake and my nomination won so congratulates to Caysey @ GMS   and  Adison @ GMS   you deserved it. Mamaku got to change our blog back grounds as you can see But I will show you a photo any way...

This has been Iris Reynolds Out

Friday, 30 June 2017

week 9 term 2 blog post

Hello and welcome to my week 9 term 2 weekly reflections 
For writing this week we had to write our speech for next week or next term. Here is my speech.

For word work I did cool text spelling word here is my word work

We have started doing a cool web site called Xtramath here is the link
it is very cool.

We have also have started this Very very cool web site called read theory
thank you fir reading my blog post talk next week

Friday, 23 June 2017

Week 8 weekly reflections

hello welcome to my week 8 blog post. Well what can I say here is what "THIS TERM HAS GONE SO FAST." we finished the book Ms. Bixbys last day its really sad at the end. for one of you chapter chat tasks we had to make a movie trailer we used the app Imovie it is really good you can make a moive and a trailer here is my movie trailer I did it with Alex, Martin,  Rylan,  and Shilah here it is 

I am sorry if the video did not work I will try do something to get it on sorry

I am doing my speech at the end of the term. My speech is about Dance because I know a lot about dance I will not show you my speech antill it is done.
For word work I did silly sentences they are not that silly but thats not the point here it is.

I am doing the production called History Rocks if you live in greymouth and you are free for Thursday, Friday and Saturday come along it is pretty cool We are preforming on  Wednesday for some school that is next week so I am going too be very tired. Anyway thanks for reading talk next week ( If I have not drooped dead from tiredness!!!)  

Friday, 9 June 2017

Week 6 term 2 reflections

Hi welcome to my week 6 term 2 reflections I would just like to say that I have finished the book Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz recommend you all to read this book. I have started the next Anthony Horowitz book the next ten minuets after I had finished I got it out at the library then Mrs Costello said that just that day she got a new one called Alex Rider your never to young to die but I have to get through all of the other books but here is my work for this term!      

This week I did some free writing it is the second book of the book with no pitchers by the way it makes more sense if you have read the first book but still here it is.


Mrs Clark has set us a task of narrative writing she had a lot of starters I chose I cant quite explain it but... here it is

thank you for reading my blog hope you enjoyed my talk next week!

Friday, 2 June 2017

weekly reflections week 5

Hi welcome to my week 5 term 2 weekly reflections this week we has been doing some chapter chat I chose to do a hands-on the hands-on was to find the song with the line "you cant always get what you want" I found the song by the The Rolling Stones called you cant always get what you want the task was to find what song it was and make a new chorus here it is.

P.S. Sorry its came out so bad

This week I had a "THAT'S AWESOME IRIS" from Mrs Clark for my Stormbreaker task's this task the point of it was to write a report to "Mr Blunt" to tell him how "Alex" is doing at SAS here is that awesome task's I have done.

P.S. sorry  it turned out so bad again

For writing I decided to write the back of the stormbreaker book wired name!!!!
P.S. I did it :) it turned out good :)
Thank you for reading my blog post talk next week!!!

Friday, 26 May 2017

Weekly reflections week 4 term 2

hello welcome to week 4 term 2. this week I have done a JACK'S DIARY about the story stormbreaker. Jack is the house keeper and this is the start of the story when the police nook on the door and say that Ian Rider has died any way here it is.

Mrs Clark right at this moment is reading the awesome book Ms Bixby's last day and it is getting really good here is my MS BIXXBY'S LAST DAY acrostic poem 

I am doing some work on my advertising and I did this advertising thing for our cross country here it is 

I hope you have enjoyed my weekly reflections and I cant wait till next week see you later. :)

Friday, 19 May 2017

week 3 term 2 refashions

hi welcome to term 2 week 3 I would just like to say I am very exited I have got a restricted licence here it is

here is my advert for this book it is called stormbreaker it is a GREAT book so far. And I think you will love it. It is a big series and this is the first one. 

here is the form thing you have to fill in before you make it if you do want to make it. and its a google drawing

we are doing a peace of art work about Robert Delaunay i can show you because I need to do some work on it but here is what we are aiming to do
thank you for reading my week 3 term 2 refashions hope you enjoyed my work :)

Friday, 12 May 2017

term 2 week 2 weekly blog post

hello welcome to my week 2 blog post of term 2 2017 this week was book week at grey main to start the week off Mrs Clark gave my reading the Ducks gave us a chapter book called storm breaker  and it is such a good  book here is my questions

OK i have to skip to today im to excited today is book charter day and i am gangsta granny here is a awesome photo of me gangsta granny 

i am a awesome gangsta granny!

here is my gangsta granny poem

Thank you for reading my weekly post! bye!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

week 5 weekly refection

Hi thanks for reading my week 5 weekly refection so here is what I did
we read some more of holes and then Mrs Clark stopped reading when it was getting really good like really really good and then I was really really sad so sad and Here is I mean they are
names are names forwards and backwards I have more work but i need to go do chapter chat see you next week.

Friday, 5 May 2017

week 1 term 2 weekly blog post

welcome to my week 1 term 1 blog post term 1 this week has gone so fast first of all i am wearing mufti we had to donate to the rescue helicopter if we wore mufti Mr Drake Mrs Drakes husband  was going to come in and talk about what he did and how he did it and stuff like that but guess what... he got called out to an emergency and he was of to save someones life so instead of him coming we did a diamante  poem about ANZAC day here is my poem here it is

For maths i did a DLO which no one told me or maybe I wasn't listening closely enough what that is about what we learnt with Ms Gibbins  here it is

Here is a what i think is awesome help me with words work i hope it will help you too it is a little hard to read but still.

Here is my chapter chat we have a new book called Ms. Bixby's last day I was advertising a new flavour of bubble gum that no one would want to chew p.s. your lucky it's not really a flavor.

 Thank you for reading my first blog post for term 1 hope you liked my work!

Thursday, 13 April 2017

end of team reflections

Hi and this is my end of term reflections team 1 2017
This has been a awesome first term of 2017 and amazing first team of me going to grey main school I am loving it here and hoping to be one of the best mamaku three role models there is one thing I am also hoping to get a restricted licence or even better a full licence restricted licences are something that lets you work inside and out of the classroom when you tell the teacher you are going out full licences mean you can work any were around the school time any where when ever you want. that would be awesome!
My goals for next team are to be very confident in my math. To get good at my spelling and puncheon. To be able to type really fast without looking. and to do really  well in my dance compositions (and if you did not know I do dance and a lot of it.)  My work I am most prod of is my the next step free writing here is the link
the link I starting today can take my crome book home !

See you next term!

Friday, 31 March 2017

weekly reflections

Hi and welcome to my week 9  weekly blog post we where doing literacy and I did this is about my favourite  thing ever I think I need to work on my skills at google drawing its not the best but it is hard to draw a person on a Chromebook with cretin shapes any way  here it is.

Here is my silly sentences I think they are weird, funny and a bit crazy but I am weird, funny and a bit crazy but I really like the backgrounds good job google! and me for doing this thing.

I did some free writing and I made it so it was about some thing that is going to happen because I am going to see the next step live in the holidays I think I need to work on my full stops and stuff like that. It came out funny so it is  hard to read but you can try

For the family fiesta to night I made a under the sea mobile the google drawing was hard to use because its got a lot of sea creators on I so there was math and making up words involved but here it is and ignore the red line.

Thank you for reading my weekly blog reflection please read my my next one bye

Friday, 17 March 2017

weekly Reflections week 7

I have not done much work this week because I have been on camp but here is some photos of camp 
Mrs Clark could not be at teacher in 1915 she broke all the rules in her fist term.
Look at all the seal they are so cute do you think?
The most amazing view ever so so pretty. 
Family always and for ever and a million years.

So there is some cool photos from camp.
I did get some work done like my typing skills here is a collage I made with screen shots.
I am getting pretty good at typing and these are helping me so much here is the link typing game.
that is about all the work I got done so I will tell you some stuff about coal mining.
All the miners have nick names and tokens about the highest number you can get on a token is 150. There are three busses that take you to the mine and each one can fit 50 people in that bus. That is about all I can think of right now so bye.

Friday, 10 March 2017

week 6 weekly reflections

Hi and welcome to my week 6 weekly reflections
Here is my literacy we were going to make some splosh but we have not done that yet so here is my Mary loo
We have started this new thing that Mrs Clark calls Tic Tac Toe so here is my cat and dog war cat dog wars
with Mr B we did a slid about camp here it is 

so here is all my work from this week talk to you after camp!

Friday, 3 March 2017

weekly reflections week 5 term 1

Hey so here is what has happened today was Mrs Clark read some more of holes and it got really good like really really good and then... she stop so annoying any way here is some of my chapter chat work there is names which is names forewords and backwards and there is Stanleys journal which is Stanley's journal

We did writing about is camp green lake a good place or not here it is camp green lake is a good place  I say no but that is just my opinion.

here is my silly sentences

I hope you have enjoyed my work thank you for reading bye


Friday, 24 February 2017

My weekly post week 4


We where going on math buddy and exploring and so look at this

That is a lot of medals 1st 2nd 3rd 4th If you ask me  that is to many medals,

Word work

For word work I made a kahoot this is the link so you can play
the kahoot is about the book holes  by Louis Sachar I love the book and if you have not read it you need to, like you really need to. 
Thank you for reading my weekly post week 4 bye

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

my first blog post ever

Hi I am Iris and Welcome to my first blog post ever it is so exiting to be here I am soooooo exited so to exited it be posting this and the future posts.