Thursday, 26 July 2018

Self Respect

We don't need bigger cars, or fancier cloths. We need self respect, identity, community, variety, beauty, challenge and a purposes in living that is greater than material accumulation.
-Donella Meadows  

At school we are working on self respect. Being kind to you, and respecting your self. We all had to make a google drawing about self respect. Here is mine.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

The boy in the striped pyjamas

For our Novel study this term we are reading The boy in the striped pyjamas, we are also doing that for our topic. For topic the class has been cut in half. half of the class are Germans and the other half are Jews. I am a Jew. There are special rules for the Jews and Germans. The Jews have to sit in the floor, aren't allowed to go past the hall, they can't have treats or music. Germans get the opposite to this. Here is chapter 1 Activity and questions. 

And here is Chapter 2 Activity and questions